High Resolution GHG Emissions Insights
GHG Emissions Tracking, Targeting, and What-If Simulations at the building and street level

Actionable Insights at High Resolution
Access to actionable and visualized GHG emissions data on the quantity, sector, and location is crucial for city policymakers and urban managers to make informed decisions.
Our Pilot City use cases in Paris and Los Angeles illustrate CCI's effectiveness as a climate solution tool. In developing the full-scale capabilities of CCI, we began with a blank page and co-designed our platform with city governments, urban stakeholders, businesses and Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
Together, we explored the transformative capacity of our dynamic near-real-time mapping to identify use cases. Through this we helped accelerate their efforts to create targeted policies and projects to reduce emissions at the building, street, and urban asset level. This was made possible through workshops with users, city managers, and CBOs.

Optimizing urban mobility is a major focal point for Paris, and CCI's data and platform are well positioned to support LEZ analysis and mobility policy simulations.
In this case, the city of Paris was able to employ CCI at full-scale to simulate 'What if diesel cars and gasoline cars produced before 2011 were banned from urban traffic in Paris, France?'
Through CCI's insights, Paris' climate authorities understood that by establishing a regional LEZ, Paris could reduce emissions by 45 percent compared to 2021 levels. Not only would this avoid 1.68 million tons CO 2 e (tCO 2 e) each year, but it would also substantially improve air quality due to decreased particulate matter.
The Paris Region municipalities developed the Greater Paris Climate Plan to: reduce local emissions by 100%; promote an 80% reduction in the carbon footprint of Paris compared to 2004 levels; and involve all local stakeholders in offsetting and mitigating residual emissions to achieve net zero emissions in the Paris region.
As a cornerstone of this plan, the City of Paris voluntarily set the target of phasing out diesel-powered mobility by 2024 and petrol-powered mobility by 2030. To do this, the city plans to establish low emission zones (LEZs), where only electric, hybrid, and modern gasoline vehicles (i.e., produced since 2011) are allowed during weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All diesel-powered and inefficient gasoline vehicles will be banned from urban streets.
Follow our Paris pilot project story map below to learn more.

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Los Angeles
The City of Los Angeles' 2019 Climate Action Plan (CAP) envisions large-scale renewable energy deployment by 2045, and local renewable energy generation, including rooftop solar as a key component to realizing this objective. The city's CAP also includes commitments to expand local solar capacity to 1,950 MW by 2050.
Rooftop solar panels have become a key strategy around the world to both decrease emissions from low-income households and decrease the burden of high electricity bills on these communities.
The challenge for Los Angeles policy makers was to identify where residential rooftop solar installations would reduce the greatest amount of emissions while also providing energy burden relief to low-income households.
With CCI, Los Angeles city officials, CBOs, and stakeholders were able to workshop and visualize a what-if simulation on exactly 'How much impact would residential rooftop solar have?'
The CCI platform was well positioned to support rooftop solar potential analysis and site targeting for LA. CCI estimated the potential for emissions reductions by promoting the solarization of low-income households, leveraging high granular building floor area data, energy use intensity data, and household income data.
By exploring alternate scenarios of solarizing households with income levels ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, the central region of Los Angeles is able to save from 1.4 to 21.6 percent of emissions, compared to 2019 emissions, while at the same time saving the households $1,800 to $1,885 per year on their electricity bills.
Follow our Los Angeles pilot project story map below to learn more.
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